About Anderson Seeds of St. Peter, MN

As an independent seed company, we have control over the genetics we select, the production of the seed, as well as processing the seed we select and raise. We pride ourselves in handling the majority of the seed we sell, from planting it in the spring to loading it in the back of a truck to be planted the following spring. The seed we have not grown ourselves has come from hand-picked seed farms with the same values and expectations that we hold ourselves to. We are proud to offer products that have been cared for every step of the way.
We are proud to offer our customers corn and soybean seed grown right here, on our family farm, in southern Minnesota. Our family strives to produce the highest quality seed by selecting lines that meet the needs of our customers and by eliminating the middleman. We take great pride in knowing we have handled and cared for the seed every step of the way. This allows for us to put the best product possible in our bag, for you to grow.
Our seed story starts with N.E. Anderson in the early 1900’s. N.E. was good at selecting seed to be saved over for the following year’s crop. His knack for selecting, eventually won him the big prize at the Nicollet County Fair in 1913. He was awarded a silver trophy and a tractor for his efforts. While we no longer own the tractor, the trophy is proudly displayed in the office at the farm.
In 1938 Hubert Anderson joined N.E. in the seed business and that is when we joined the hybrid corn craze. The first crop of seed that they raised was about 2 acres, and from there it steadily increased. As Hubert built up the seed business, the need to have better equipment became obvious. So in 1952 he purchased a Clipper Fanning Mill, which is the same fanning mill we use today to clean the seed we raise; amazingly enough we can still get parts.
In the 1980’s, Hubert’s son’s Neal and Peter returned home to become part of the family business. They eventually bought out Hubert and assumed full responsibility for the business. Today Peter and Neal still own and operate the business. They employ Peter’s daughter, Kelsey, who runs the office, hires and manages the 30-40+ detasslers hired during the month of July, and she takes care of most of the sales. Peter’s son Jacob helps execute day to day operations, and we have 2 full time hired hands who are indispensable.
Like N.E., we still enjoy selecting ears from our production to show at the Minnesota State Fair and have had many years of success. In 2013, Kelsey exhibited seed ears for the family and was awarded the Premier Exhibitor of the Open Class Corn at the state fair.
Our history is still being written and we are excited to share with you all we have accomplished and hope to continue to achieve. Thank you for choosing Anderson Seeds. We greatly appreciate doing business with you today and in the future and we wish you continued success.

In memory of Hubert Anderson
Hubert Anderson passed away peacefully after a long life of 98 years on June 26th, 2019.
To read about Hubert’s amazing life, and for detailed information in regard to visitation services, please CLICK HERE
Meet Our Team

Neal Anderson

Peter Anderson

Kelsey (Anderson) Henke

Jacob Anderson